Mango test КНОПКА

Aeroflot has completed the transition to Leonardo system

Aeroflot Group airlines has completed the transition to the domestic Leonardo booking system.

All services of Aeroflot, Avrora, Rossiya and Pobeda airlines, as well as the content of another 66 airlines, are already available for partners of Sirena-Travel  company and Mixvel platform.

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Quick guide to book additional services Ancillary services

Quick guide to book additional services
Ancillary services

Input forms
Set active TKT CHT/ETM
Set active MCO CHM/EMD
Set active receipt CHR/EMD
Delete the specific stock 
Format DB/(code)
Services catalog 
 - general catalog SVCC/UT
 - specific RFIC SVCC/UT/20FEB/RFIC=F
 - specific SSR SVCC/UT/SSR=AVIH
Ancuillary services fare display 
 - specific city pair TS/MOWTJM-UT
 -  specific date TS/MOWTJM2002-UT
 - fare notes TP1
Ancuillary services pricing 
 - all possible services for 2nd passenger on 1st segment SVCT2*1
 - specific RFISC SVCT///RFISC=0B5
 - specific currency SVCT///CUR=USD
Add ancuillary service in PNR 
service is booked through the SVC element
SVC for 1st passenger, 1st segment, EMD type=A, RFISC=0AR 3SAS1P1A1//0AR
SVC for 1st passenger, 1st segment, EMD type=A, RFIC=C,RFISC=0AR, SSR=XBAG 3SAS1P1A1/C/0AR/XBAG
delete 2nd SVC 3S2"
change SVC status for XX 3S2/XX
not associated with flight (deposit) 3SS1 UT HD1 VKOTJM 07FEB/D/997
Price ancuillary services 
Automatical pricing of 3rd SVC, type of service is C TM/C+S3
 - history pricing for  issue EMD TM/S+S1
 - pricing for refund TM/RF+S1
invoice PF/C+S3//IN 1234
two fops PF/C+S3/10.EUR/IN 1234
 FOP for exhcnage  DFO/C+S2+S1/IN 1234
Edit saved FOP  
get list of FOP in PNR PFLS
start edditing FOP 1 of ancillary service PFCM1+S1
Delete stored pricing 
Delete pricing and SVC  CP+S3
Delete pricing only CP+S3/-
Add additional information 
Endorsement 3S1OTHS EDTX text
Tour code 3S1OTHS EDTC text
Remarks (by coupon) 3S1N1OTHS EDRM text
Remarks for EMD for Penalties 3S1N1OTHS EDCF text
Issue EMD based on auto pricing 
Issue EMD for SVC on 3rd line EMDA/C+S3
EMD with Service Type=F for 2nd passenger on the 1st and 2dn segments EMDA/F2*1,2
emailing EMD EMDA/C+S3:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Itinerary receipt English EMDA/C+S3:E
Itinerary receipt Russian EMDA/C+S3:R
Based on auto-manual mask EMDAX/C+S3
Issue EMD (manual) 
Store mask for 1st passenger EMDN1
 - 1st passenger, 2nd segment EMDN1*2
 - SVC on 2 line EMDN+S2
 - specific EMD type EMDN+S1:TYPE=A
for transfer route, SVC 1 and 2, flight segments 3 and 4 EMDN+S1-2:TR(3,4)
List of stored masks *EMD/N
Delete of stored mask EMDD#1
Issue EMD from mask 
 - by number in list of mask EMDP#1
 - specific passenger, segment EMDP1*2
 - specific RFISC EMDP/0B5
Display EMD 
 - by number EMD#00Z4500000376
 - display list of EMD *EMD
 - by service line number  EMD+S1
EMD refund 
 - automatical refund from the list of issued EMD, by line number EMDR#1
 - Manual refund EMDRM#1
 - involuntary refund EMDRI#1
 - Manual involuntary refund EMDRIM#1
 - automatical refund by SVC number EMDR+S1
 - auto-manual refund by SVC number EMDRX+S1
Void EMD 
 - from the list of EMD EMDV#1
Exchange EMD -voluntary  
 autopricing for exchange  EMDE/C+S2+S1
 semi-manual exchange  EMDEX/C+S2+S1
 manual exchange  EMDEM/C+S2+S1
 forced voluntary exchange  EMDEFX/C+S2+S1
Exchange EMD - involuntary  
 autopricing for exchange  EMDEI/C+S2+S1
 semi-manual exchange  EMDEIX/C+S2+S1
 manual exchange  EMDEIM/C+S2+S1
Sales report 
Checked extra baggage 
list of passengers with checked extra baggage  +PT/XX-555/2002/SVO

Airline Booking Quick Guide Air transportation

Airline Booking Quick Guide
Air transportation


Sigh In Wlogin/PASSWORD
Sigh Out W.
Input forms
Set e-ticket  as active TKT CHT/ETM
Set EMD as active MCO CHM/EMD
Set EMD as active receipt CHR/EMD
Delete the specific stock 
Format DB/(code)
TKT Quota 
Check tkt quota RD/QUOTA
Check EMD quota RD/QUOTA/EMD
Arhive HR
Change currency VA,GEL
Get arline PNR number FP/GDS PNR
Encode CN/type/name
Decode CN/type//code
 - carrier CN/ALN/AEROFLOT
 - airport ARP
 - city CIT
 - country NAT
 - id DOC
 - currency CUR
 - passenger type PTC
 - fees TAX
 - form of payment FOP
 - equipment EQP
 - region DPT
Timetable SMOWFRA
 - specific date SMOWFRA2002
 - specific airline SMOWFRA20FEB-SU
 Destinations from this city SMOW???
 Destinations from this city (by airlines) SMOW??A
Fliht schedule F UT-402
 - by date F UT-402/20OCT
 - by RBD F UT-402*U
minimum connection time VM/MOW
Distance between cities DSTMOWFRA
City pair and date 1MOWFRA2002
 -  airline preference 1MOWFRA2002-SU
 - specified date and time 1MOWFRA2002171310
 - including departured/cancelled or closed flights or RBDS 1MOWFRA2002-SU*
 - return display for specific date FI2001
Seat map  
Long entry KMUT-301/07FEBVKOTJM*Y
Short entry after availability KM2*Y
Short entry from PNR
by segment number
Flight segments 
 - sell 1 seat in Y RBD from line 2 from availability display 02Y1
 - sell 1 seat from connection flights from line 4 in Y and F RBDs 04YF1
long entry 0UT-443Y0902MOWTJMNN2
open date 0UT-443*YMOWTJMOP2
seat available 0UT-443*YVKOTJMSA1
Name elemet 
Passenger with RU ID 
 - domestic flights (RU id only) -IVANOV IVAN 101065+M/PS232323233
 - international flights (RU id only) -IVANOV IVAN 101065+M/
Passenger with other passport
other passports - SMITH MAG 010165 +F/
child  -IVANOV IVAN 101065+M/
change name -2”Petrov Petr
add document AD1/RU/PSP121212121/20JUN21
Change attendant  -1+2
Agency phone 9T#74951234567
Mobile phone 9P1M#+79161234567
E-mail 9E#This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
9P1E#This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Set automatical TL by pricing TL
(S1 = flight segment)
confidentional 5/C/TEXT
End of transaction 
End and retrieve
Ignor and retrieve
Show active PNR *R
Retrieve PNR by number *DDDDDD
Get TKT number *S
Get EMD number *EMD
History of PNR
History of active PNR
History of PNR in reverse order *H/-
History by name element *HN
History by segments *HI
History of queues *HQ
Retrieve past-date PNR *A/DDDDDD
Display other (airline) record locator FP/DDDDDD
Group PNR 
meal 3S1N1VGML
frequent flyer 3S1N1FQTVUT1111111111
unaccomp minor 3S1N1UMNR TEXT
Accompaned in another PNR 3OTHS ACMP MOTHER 123123
visa 3N1DOCOOMS/V/041674413/OVB/25MAY11/DE

3N1DOCOOMS/V/041674413/OVB/25MAY11/DE/I - infant
 - destination addres 3N1DOCAD/CA/4313VERDUN/MONTREAL/CA
 - residental address 3N1DOCAR/RU/8A PIONERSKAY/KOROLEV//128255
excess baggage 3S1N1XBAG 80 CLOTHES 40Х120Х60
cabine baggage 3S1N1CBBG20CELLO
 -  name entry for CBBG  -2SMITH/JOHN/CBBG
extra seat request 3S1N1EXST TEXT
 - name entry for extra seat  -PETROV PETR 041250+М/PS123456*3ADT
Client Number 3OTHSRXMLNC111111111
Order Number (not PNR) 3OTHSRXMLNR111111111
seat request 3S1N1SEAT10A
Other additional information in SSR
Endrosement/restrictions 3S1N1OTHSTKTTany text
Tour code 3OTHSCDTR12345678
data of accomp of child 3OTHSACMP MAMA
Print PNR 
itinanery for second passenger PK2
itinarery and remarks and SSRs PK2/SSR1-3/OSI3
including pricng PK2///P
including pricng and agency fee PK2///P/AG=100.
sending to e-mail PK2/////This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
automatic ticketing for all passengers PT
PT/This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
manual ticketing (mask) PTM
1st passenger ticketing PT1
2nd segment ticketing PT*2
Copy of itinerary receipt CIR
CIR/This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Display tkt ET#tkt number
all passengers RF
1st passenger RF1
2nd coupon unused RF*2
Invuluntary refund RFI
Manual refund RFM
Refund without cancellation of seats RF/-
for all passengers EX*1
two new segments EX*1,3
Involuntary exchange EXI*1
Manual exchange EXM*1
Including BRAND info EX*1/PP:BRAND=FLEX
Exchange - in case of passenger's data changed
Voluntary reissue for the first passenger BLV1
Involuntary reissue for the first passenger BLI1
Exchange - different number of flight segments in new and original routes 
the request lists all segments of the new route (including used ones) and all segments of the old route
1-4 segments - new route, 5,6 segments - original route EX*1-4**5,6
void tkt and cancel seats UN
void tkt UN/-
PNR modification 
delet name  -2"
delaet name and cancelled seats  -2"*
change gender  -2"+F
change passenger type  -2"*CNN
delete 1st phone 91"
delete 1st remark 51"
delet 1st SSR 31"
Split PNR 
split 1st and 3rd passenger D1,3
Cancel flight segments 
Cancel 1st flight segment X1
 - form 2nd till 4th and 8th X2-4,8
 - cancel itinerary XI
 - cancel segments in ticketed PNR XX1
Change serments order 
Change serments order 0M/1/2
Fares display TMOWLED
 - specific date TMOWLED2005
 - specific airline TMOWLED-S7
 - specific RBD TMOWLED-S7*X
 - part of BRAND name TMOWLED-S7?BR=_ST
 - by fare code TMOWLED-S7?FBC=YBSRT
 - by part of fare code TMOWLED-S7?FBC=_BS
 - specific currency TMOWLED-S7#USD
 - specific passenger type TMOWLED-S7/YTH
Fare notes TP1/16
Pricing PNR 
Automatical pricing TM
 - for 1st passenger on 2nd segment TM1*2
 - show form of payment TMF
 - ticket image TMR
-the pricing structure and the number of tickets TMB
Additional entries 
 - fare basis TM/EX*1/PP:FBC=YFLOW
 - fare with baggage TM/PT/PP:BGG
 - currency exchange rate on the date TM/PT/PP:RATEDT=201220
Type of action (sell, refund, exchange)  
 - history pricing for  ticketed PNR TM/S
 - pricing for ticketing TM/PT
 - pricing for exchange TM/EX*1
 - pricing for refund TM/RF
Variants of pricing of booked itinerary TV
- issuing on one ticket TVT
- pricing in one brand TVB
choose variant VV1
Upsell VV+
Services that included in BRAND TM/BRAND
Services that included in next level BRAND (follows reqest TM) TM/BRAND+
Manual pricing 
1st passenger, fare=50USD, fare basis =Y, Fare note =0001 TT1///50.USD/Y!0001                     
2nd passenger, child, 50% discount, fare basis = Y/50 TT2/CNN/50/1500./Y/50!0001
1st segment, additional fee TT*1///12000./NBSRT!С7.0046/SA=10.EUR
discount to autoprice TT/CNN/30/AF/*/CH30
Manual pricing for exchange 
1st passenge, new fare level, penalty (CP)  TO1*1///1000./Y/CP=100.
Cancel pricing (before ticketing)
cancel pricing and cancel seats CP
only cancel pricing CP/-
Best buy 
RT and specific airline JWMOWOVB2002/2802-S7
 - sell 2 seats from 1st line 01/2
Best buy mask JW
 - sell variant on 1st line 01
 - recall list of variants #
 - recal filled mask ##
best buy in active PNR JW*
 - choose the 1st variant 01
Form of payment 
invoice PF//IN 123 FENIKS LTD
bank card PF//CC+1234 VI4000000000000002
for different pax PF/P1 100RUB/IN 123/P2/VZ
entry of price parametrs PF//IN 123/PP:BR=STANDART
Partial form of payment 
 - specific amiunt PF/1000.RUB/IN 123
 - fare only PF/T/IN 123
 - fees only PF/B/IN 123
Edditing of FOP 
get list of FOP in PNR PFLS
start edditing FOP 1 PFCM1
Form of payment for xchange 
additional collection paid by CC  PFO*1//CC+124 VI4000000000006
penalty and fee (SA) paid by invoice PFO*2/X(CP)/IN N123/X(SA)=100/IN N123
flight and date  +SU-7/3112
flight,date,name  +SU-7/3112/-SMITH
name, ID, RBD +KA/////-SMITH/#4567230/=Y
 - Searching of the PNR by Passenger Surname/ Name  created by any agent of the signed-in agency 
Searching of the PNR by Passenger Surname/ Name created by the signed-in agent itself
Searching of the PNR by Passenger Surname/ Name created by an agent who authorized under agency POS
retrieve PNR from list +12
additional elements -Surname
$ticket number (10 figures)
SVC=rfisc or SVC=*
FBC=fare basis
SA – list of SA-passengers
Different multilists 
Ticketed +T/UT-453/2007 
sorted by booking date +B/UT-453/2007
with ID +D/UT-453/2007
number of ticketed, non ticketed and waitngkisted +Z/UT-453/2007
waiting list +L/WZ-453/2007
ticketed in specific date range   +P/453/2007/2006/2606
SSR +M/UT-453/2007
non tiketed +N/UT-453/2007
transfer from +O/UT-453/2007
PNR with ARNK +A/UT-453/2007
canselled +X/UT-453/2007
transfer to this flight +I/UT-453/2007
booked vie web-site +E/UT-453/2007
codes SSR +S/UT-453/2007
Show contacts +C/UT-453/2007
with SVC  +UT-453/2007/SVC=*
with specific SVC +UT-453/2007/SVC=0GP
Fees display 
by city pair ISMOWOVB-S7
specific RBD ISMOWSOF0502-SU/RBD=I
specific action (sell) ISMOWSOF/PR
involuntary refund ISMOWSOF/VV
fees rules IS*1
Currency rates 
all currencies rates for today VP/CER/T
USD/RUB curent rate VP/CER/T///USD/RUB
specific date PV/100/USD/RUB/010117
list of all active queues QCT
check the specific queue QCT/7/19MOS
start queue Q/7
Ignore a PNR or message, leaving it at the bottom of the queue, display next one QI
Ignore a PNR or message, leaving it at the bottom of the queue, display The previous one QIN
Display the first PNR in Queue Q
Delete the current message and display the next one QR
exit Queue QX
list of messages in Queue QL/7
Add PNR in Queue QEP/10
determine the date and time when PNR will be returned in the Queue  QD/2801/1200
forward PNR to another agency in Queue 20 *+19MOS/BDE
Financial report RO/555
Documents report (all documents) ROD
EMD only report ROS
report excluding agency' fees RON
 - airline accounting code , reporting period ROD/421/120117/230117
 - FOP, Currency, action code ROK////IN/RUB/PT
 - agency PCC and
 ticket office number (in 2nd line)
 - session and agency reference (3rd line) ROD/421/120117/230117
 - tkt or emd number ROD/421/120117/230117////2400000001
active reference report ROE/555/120117
EMD only report ROS
 - by RFIC ROS////////G


In order to connect to Sirena-Travel Global Distribution System (GDS), the Airline needs to:

- sign an Agreement with JSC Sirena-Travel. To require the contract draft Airline should contact  Sirena-Travel contracts department:
Tel.: +7 (495) 940-61-40,
Fax: +7(495) 782-01-54(64),
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

- install  Sirena-Travel Terminal. 
In signing the Agency Agreement, JSC Sirena-Travel offers a range of terminals, from which the agent can choose technology addresses, and needs to send a request to IATA BSP, or Airlines for registration in the required session. The code of sales location will therefore be assigned by the settlement system or by the airlines.
Then Sirena-Travel technical service will send a Sirena-Travel GDS terminal emulator to the address provided by the Agent.

Help and support

Dear colleagues, 

Please note: Support is provided to contractors and cashiers only. Passengers are required to contact the (online) agency where they purchased their tickets.

Service Desk:
Tel.:+7 (495)967-12-87 — round-the-clock

IT support service:

Tel.: +7 (495)725-09-00 — round-the-clock
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please provide your contact information, otherwise your email will not be considered.

Electronic Commerce help desk

Tel.: +7(495)363-32-67 — from 8 AM till 8 PM (MSK)
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please write your website URL (website ID), ID of online client in your email.

Astra DCS help desk:
Tel.: +7 (495)363-32-66 — on working days
        +7 (495)967-12-87 — round-the-clock

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Unauthorized use of content from this site is prohibited.