Quick guide to book additional services
Ancillary services

Input forms
Set active TKT CHT/ETM
Set active MCO CHM/EMD
Set active receipt CHR/EMD
Delete the specific stock 
Format DB/(code)
Services catalog 
 - general catalog SVCC/UT
 - specific RFIC SVCC/UT/20FEB/RFIC=F
 - specific SSR SVCC/UT/SSR=AVIH
Ancuillary services fare display 
 - specific city pair TS/MOWTJM-UT
 -  specific date TS/MOWTJM2002-UT
 - fare notes TP1
Ancuillary services pricing 
 - all possible services for 2nd passenger on 1st segment SVCT2*1
 - specific RFISC SVCT///RFISC=0B5
 - specific currency SVCT///CUR=USD
Add ancuillary service in PNR 
service is booked through the SVC element
SVC for 1st passenger, 1st segment, EMD type=A, RFISC=0AR 3SAS1P1A1//0AR
SVC for 1st passenger, 1st segment, EMD type=A, RFIC=C,RFISC=0AR, SSR=XBAG 3SAS1P1A1/C/0AR/XBAG
delete 2nd SVC 3S2"
change SVC status for XX 3S2/XX
not associated with flight (deposit) 3SS1 UT HD1 VKOTJM 07FEB/D/997
Price ancuillary services 
Automatical pricing of 3rd SVC, type of service is C TM/C+S3
 - history pricing for  issue EMD TM/S+S1
 - pricing for refund TM/RF+S1
invoice PF/C+S3//IN 1234
two fops PF/C+S3/10.EUR/IN 1234
 FOP for exhcnage  DFO/C+S2+S1/IN 1234
Edit saved FOP  
get list of FOP in PNR PFLS
start edditing FOP 1 of ancillary service PFCM1+S1
Delete stored pricing 
Delete pricing and SVC  CP+S3
Delete pricing only CP+S3/-
Add additional information 
Endorsement 3S1OTHS EDTX text
Tour code 3S1OTHS EDTC text
Remarks (by coupon) 3S1N1OTHS EDRM text
Remarks for EMD for Penalties 3S1N1OTHS EDCF text
Issue EMD based on auto pricing 
Issue EMD for SVC on 3rd line EMDA/C+S3
EMD with Service Type=F for 2nd passenger on the 1st and 2dn segments EMDA/F2*1,2
emailing EMD EMDA/C+S3:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Itinerary receipt English EMDA/C+S3:E
Itinerary receipt Russian EMDA/C+S3:R
Based on auto-manual mask EMDAX/C+S3
Issue EMD (manual) 
Store mask for 1st passenger EMDN1
 - 1st passenger, 2nd segment EMDN1*2
 - SVC on 2 line EMDN+S2
 - specific EMD type EMDN+S1:TYPE=A
for transfer route, SVC 1 and 2, flight segments 3 and 4 EMDN+S1-2:TR(3,4)
List of stored masks *EMD/N
Delete of stored mask EMDD#1
Issue EMD from mask 
 - by number in list of mask EMDP#1
 - specific passenger, segment EMDP1*2
 - specific RFISC EMDP/0B5
Display EMD 
 - by number EMD#00Z4500000376
 - display list of EMD *EMD
 - by service line number  EMD+S1
EMD refund 
 - automatical refund from the list of issued EMD, by line number EMDR#1
 - Manual refund EMDRM#1
 - involuntary refund EMDRI#1
 - Manual involuntary refund EMDRIM#1
 - automatical refund by SVC number EMDR+S1
 - auto-manual refund by SVC number EMDRX+S1
Void EMD 
 - from the list of EMD EMDV#1
Exchange EMD -voluntary  
 autopricing for exchange  EMDE/C+S2+S1
 semi-manual exchange  EMDEX/C+S2+S1
 manual exchange  EMDEM/C+S2+S1
 forced voluntary exchange  EMDEFX/C+S2+S1
Exchange EMD - involuntary  
 autopricing for exchange  EMDEI/C+S2+S1
 semi-manual exchange  EMDEIX/C+S2+S1
 manual exchange  EMDEIM/C+S2+S1
Sales report 
Checked extra baggage 
list of passengers with checked extra baggage  +PT/XX-555/2002/SVO
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