Airlines session
Session in Sirena-Travel GDS it’s a screen in the reservation system, which enables agency operator to reserve a seat and automatic TCH, BSP or airline E-Ticket issuing.
Agency operators can book and issue tickets in Sirena-Travel GDS in different sessions. The session in Sirena-Travel GDS allows the agency to proceed ticket direct sales of certain airline, providing that there is a current agreement between agency and airline.
Technologically operating with Sirena-Travel GDS means operator authorization before the booking beginning in any of the mentioned above sessions by special request.
For example:
W - Function designator
U6 – Owner airline ticket code
99GRS – Agency code
0001 - Agent number
U699GRS0001 - Agent identifier.
1234ABCD - Agent password
In signing the Agency Agreement, Sirena-Travel offers a range of terminals, from which the agent can choose technology addresses, and needs to send requests for description (registration) in the required session to the appropriate accrediting organization: TCH, BSP or Airlines.